What is it?

The Opt-Sec Compliance Tracker is a single software solution that provides a secure Centralized Management Console with role-based access for all compliance contributors, a secure Storage Repository with tamper-proofing and version control for all uploaded documents and a comprehensive Reporting Engine.

What does it do?

The Compliance Tracker makes managing the compliance process easy for any size of organisation. It breaks down complex regulatory requirements and controls into easily manageable tasks which can be delegated and managed through an intuitive and simple interface.

It provides a Consolidated Dashboard

Compliance tracker allows users to track compliance with multiple policies, best practises and regulations simultaniously through a single, easy-to-use, AJAX-based user interface that clearly displays summary and drill-down information in a myriad of charts and tables

By centrally aggregating all data for compliance, the management of compliance becomes significantly less challenging and allows customers to become more proactive in their approach to compliance.

It provides a Secure Repository

Compliance Tracker provides enterprise grade encryption of all database information as well as built-in alerts to prevent tampering and data corruption.

Compliance Tracker provides a secure document management facility that allows users to securely upload compliance documents and evidence through the user interface and rest assured that they will be held in a tamper-proof secure storeage repository.

It provides clear Task Management

Compliance Tracker provides a simple way of breaking down compliance requirements and controls so that users of all levels can contribute directly through the portal interface to the overal compliance posture of the organization.

Every task from the creation of policies and procedures through to secure storage and version control of compliance related documentation and evidence is managed through the easy-to-use interface.